How do you feel about Home Birth?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Home Birth is Amazing

Having a baby at home is so different from the hospital. Thank goodness! No machines, no monitors, no strangers coming and going.

Peace and familiarity and loving family, midwives and doulas are the proper attendents for birth. A surgeon is only for emergencies. Don't even think of such a thing unless you are high risk.

The tipping point has been reached when it comes to interventions in birth. Women have simply had enough of the medicalization of birth. Some women are comfortable with the state of birth in hospitals. But many are beginning to want to take birth back for themselves.

The C-section rate is abominable. It is a tragedy for women to have the doctors take their birth experience away from them. Yes, C-sections can be life saving but they also involve major abdominal surgery. They are dangerous in their own way. No woman who has educated herself would want one if she could possibly avoid it. The rate of C-sections in the USA is over 33%. That is outrageously high.

One way to avoid a 'section' is to stay home and have your baby right there. It is often the interventions used in the hospital that cause a "cascade of events" leading to a C-section. If you have stayed at home you will never have even the first intervention. Your chances of having an empowering natural birth go way up, if you just stay home.

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