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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Political thoughts, politcally incorrectly stated

Perhaps I shall make this my political blog. I have been in discussions with several people, many people, really about the state of the country. There are a lot of blaming people out there. It is always someone else's fault. But it isn't. It is our fault. Most Americans stand back and let the politicians do it. ( I am also guilty of this)

However I have heard so much misinformation lately about the country being run by corporations and how horrible capitalism is that I simply MUST stand up and say something.

Capitalism is NOT evil. Not even close. It is a great system which rewards hard work and allows people to keep the fruits of their labors. It also encourages philanthropy. It makes for a happy and productive work force.

What causes problems is not those who are productive, who are working, who are earning their own way. It is the culture of those who expect the government to give them money. They live on handouts and disability and wellfare, food stamps and medicaid. These programs were not put in place to remain forever available to these people. The idea is to be helped until you can find work.

You know, having a disability does not necessarily mean you cannot work at a paying job. there are many employers who have made special arrangements for people with all sorts of physical and mental problems. Not only that, I have frequently been shopping somewhere or at a meeting of people I don't know, when I hear someone telling proudly that they are living on disability. Often they then say they cannot except a paying job because it would interfere with their "free" payments.

I think it is wonderful that we have a safety net in this country. It is to our credit that we as a nation care enough to provide for those of our countrymen who are having a hard time. But 4 generations of this in the same family? NO. That is NOT the purpose of wellfare.

I welcome your comments.

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