How do you feel about Home Birth?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Myth and Truth About Libertarianism by Murray N. Rothbard

Myth and Truth About Libertarianism by Murray N. Rothbard

You may realize that what you thought about Libertarians is wrong.   As a Libertarian myself I have had many different reactions from people when I admit to being one.  This article helps to explain what a Libertarian is NOT.

And it explains that Libertarians simply believe that people have the right to be their own "keepers". They have the right to "do their own thing".  At the same time we know that there must be some laws, some perameters and most people will accept that.

It is too bad that more people are not interested in being libertarian.  They might find it rather restful.  It is way less strident than the two larger parties.  We tend to live and let live without all the angst that Liberals and Conservatives allow themselves.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Read this and THINK! Great article by Gary North...

If only every single person would read this wonderful article. Gary North lays it on the line and tells it like it is about freedom versus health care in the USA.

Health and Free Trade by Gary North

This is a great message  showing just how our health care is held in a strangle-hold by the various agencies meant to "protect us". These powerful groups such as the FDA and the AMA also want to limit our access to alternative ideas and methods of staying or becoming well.
My principle interest is in Childbirth. These same powerful people endanger a woman's right to have whomever she wishes help her birth a baby. It is almost impossible to break the grip of those who wish to control women, because the say they are doing it to "protect" us. Perhaps we should all be very wary of the  phrase,  "It's for your own good." That is where the trouble starts.  Then the brainwashing continues.  Pretty soon we are all supposed to believe that what ever "non-mainstream" thing we wanted is considered "snake oil".
We must fight for the right to experiment. We must educate ourselves about alternative treatments for EVERYTHING. If mainstream cancer treatment was really effective they would be able to say that the "war on cancer" was being won.  But it is NOT. They are losing it, in fact.  So why NOT go try an alternative treatment in Germany or Mexico or where ever one has to go?
The sad thing is that people wait till they have been given "no hope" of survival. Then in mad desperation they go outside of the country to try something the FDA won't allow here in the USA.  But often by that time nothing can save them.
If only people would look into these (often) non-invasive treatments FIRST, instead of as a last resort.  Cancer is a  weird collection of diseases, really a symptom of a deeper problem.  What cures one persons cancer may NOT cure that of another person. Doctors know this, but they remain stubborn in the disdain for anything outside AMA, FDA,  and whatever alphabet group has power to stop alternatives. It may be that they fear competition, though they deny that.  It may be they have been trained all their lives to ignore all other treatments except the ones they know are approved.  It could be that they are afraid or lazy or stupid, but let's hope that is not the case.
No matter what the reasons, we know that this is the case.  SO if one becomes ill it is time to start immediately educating oneself about the disease and its cures, both conventional and unconventional. If you or your partner are thinking about becoming pregnant it is just as important to educate yourself. Pregnancy is NOT a disease, but a natural bodily function.  Somehow we have been so terrorized about childbirth that we immediately panic and think we need professional, even surgical, help. This leads to a cascade of events which ends in a C-section more than 50% of the time in many large hospitals.
Protect yourself.  First read the article by Gary North so that you will understand how bad it really is in this country, when it comes to our right to information and help. They do not want us using alternatives.
What do YOU believe?  Will you fight to be allowed personal choice?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Home Birth is Amazing

Having a baby at home is so different from the hospital. Thank goodness! No machines, no monitors, no strangers coming and going.

Peace and familiarity and loving family, midwives and doulas are the proper attendents for birth. A surgeon is only for emergencies. Don't even think of such a thing unless you are high risk.

The tipping point has been reached when it comes to interventions in birth. Women have simply had enough of the medicalization of birth. Some women are comfortable with the state of birth in hospitals. But many are beginning to want to take birth back for themselves.

The C-section rate is abominable. It is a tragedy for women to have the doctors take their birth experience away from them. Yes, C-sections can be life saving but they also involve major abdominal surgery. They are dangerous in their own way. No woman who has educated herself would want one if she could possibly avoid it. The rate of C-sections in the USA is over 33%. That is outrageously high.

One way to avoid a 'section' is to stay home and have your baby right there. It is often the interventions used in the hospital that cause a "cascade of events" leading to a C-section. If you have stayed at home you will never have even the first intervention. Your chances of having an empowering natural birth go way up, if you just stay home.

Father's Day!

ChildbirthSolutions wishes a Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. Some of you may have grown children whom you do not see. Some of you may have lost a child. Some of you may have given up a family through divorce or abandonment.

But if you are a father you are special never the less. Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dads and also to those who may have been less attentive as fathers. Congratulations on having helped the human race by adding a living breathing human being to our planet. Good for you!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Political thoughts, politcally incorrectly stated

Perhaps I shall make this my political blog. I have been in discussions with several people, many people, really about the state of the country. There are a lot of blaming people out there. It is always someone else's fault. But it isn't. It is our fault. Most Americans stand back and let the politicians do it. ( I am also guilty of this)

However I have heard so much misinformation lately about the country being run by corporations and how horrible capitalism is that I simply MUST stand up and say something.

Capitalism is NOT evil. Not even close. It is a great system which rewards hard work and allows people to keep the fruits of their labors. It also encourages philanthropy. It makes for a happy and productive work force.

What causes problems is not those who are productive, who are working, who are earning their own way. It is the culture of those who expect the government to give them money. They live on handouts and disability and wellfare, food stamps and medicaid. These programs were not put in place to remain forever available to these people. The idea is to be helped until you can find work.

You know, having a disability does not necessarily mean you cannot work at a paying job. there are many employers who have made special arrangements for people with all sorts of physical and mental problems. Not only that, I have frequently been shopping somewhere or at a meeting of people I don't know, when I hear someone telling proudly that they are living on disability. Often they then say they cannot except a paying job because it would interfere with their "free" payments.

I think it is wonderful that we have a safety net in this country. It is to our credit that we as a nation care enough to provide for those of our countrymen who are having a hard time. But 4 generations of this in the same family? NO. That is NOT the purpose of wellfare.

I welcome your comments.